Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Thoughts on BSD

The University of Calgary Students' Union hosts Bermuda Shorts Day or most commonly called BSD which is an annual gathering, or more appropriately, party, that is held on school grounds on the last day of classes. Yesterday, some of my younger friends were just letting me know how awesome the whole day was. And I know they were having an awesome time. I've been there, I've done that.

It's a great time to be had by everyone and everyone just lets loose...some get a little too far. I still remember incidents of people being escorted out by Campus Security, people so drunk they couldn't even walk back to Rez (dorms), and even people who had to be taken to the hospital to have their stomach's pumped.

But never have I heard of or encountered a tragedy such as what's happened this year. The stabbing of five students at a BSD after party was surprising to say the least, let alone finding out that the suspect is the son of a Calgary Police Officer and a prospective law school student at the U of C.

Many people have questioned whether BSD in itself is a good idea to have. I personally think that it's a great way for people to let out their inhibitions, in a safe and secure environment and during the day. What happens after BSD is a different story, and of course isn't something that the SU or the University can control. And regardless of whether or not the SU hosts BSD, people will still take it upon themselves to host parties, go out and celebrate the year that they've just completed before going off to their own little parts of the world for the summer.

The University of Calgary Students’ Union hosts Bermuda Shorts Day or most commonly called BSD which is an annual gathering, or more appropriately, party, that is held on school grounds on the last day of classes. Yesterday, some of my younger friends were just letting me know how awesome the whole day was. And I know they were having an awesome time. I’ve been there, I’ve done that.
It’s a great time to be had by everyone and everyone just lets loose…some get a little too far. I still remember incidents of people being escorted out by Campus Security, people so drunk they couldn’t even walk back to Rez (dorms), and even people who had to be taken to the hospital to have their stomach’s pumped.
But never have I heard of or encountered a tragedy such as what’s happened this year. The stabbing of five students at a BSD after party was surprising to say the least, let alone finding out that the suspect is the son of a Calgary Police Officer and a prospective law school student at the U of C.
Many people have questioned whether BSD in itself is a good idea to have. I personally think that it’s a great way for people to let out their inhibitions, in a safe and secure environment and during the day. What happens after BSD is a different story, and of course isn’t something that the SU or the University can control. And regardless of whether or not the SU hosts BSD, people will still take it upon themselves to host parties, go out and celebrate the year that they’ve just completed before going off to their own little parts of the world for the summer.
This event was devastating - and my thoughts go out to the family and friends of the victims, as well as the many other student’s I’m sure each of them have left an impact on.